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- What's So Amazing About Grace?
- What is in a Name Part 2
- Are You A Disciple Of Jesus?
- The Sacrifice of a Father
- Counter Attack
- Go and Witness
- Witnessing For Jesus
- A Last Look at Psalm 23 (remake)
- You Choose or You Loose
- Temptation
- Are You Listening
- Who Touched Me?
- The Curse Of Meroz
- By Beholding
- 5 Reasons Protestants Reject The Sabbath
- Is Civil Disobedience Biblical?
- Are You Serious???
- Right Reason, Wrong Outcome
- Are You Living In Thanksgiving?
- A Transformed Attitude
- Man's Impossibilities
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Better To Serve
- Hearing God's Voice
- Basics of Daniel 11
- Islam and Christianity in Prophecy
- Loud Cry of the 3 Angels & Left Right
- Time Prophecies of Daniel 11 & 12
- What Spirit is Leading You?
- 1Basics of Daniel 11
- Expecting
- 02 Understanding Daniel
- 03 Loud Cry of the 3 Angels
- Trapped In Religious Liberty
- 04 Time Prophecies of Daniel 11 & 12
- The God That Loves
- Mission Impossible?
- Why They Did Not Believe
- The Call To Discipleship
- Finished Product Can Be Good
- Go Your Way
- Discipline of Trials
- Better Late Than Sorry
- Revival Begins With Me
- Status Quo
- And The Music Plays On
- Come Out Of Her My People
- Love Is A Many Splended Thing
- A Faith That Works
- End Time Survival Manual
- God's Heart
- What Manner Of Person Should We Be?
- It Is Too Late
- Creeping Compromise
- We All Must Surrender
- Succeeding in the Christian Walk
- Take Time To Be Holy
- The Faith of Jesus
- The God Of Everything
- Do You Want To Be My Friend?
- Three Loaves at Midnight
- The Road Less Traveled
- Terms and Conditions
- Why Not Tomorrow
- Unwrapping Your Gift For Service
- You Matter To HIM
- Embrace What Humbles You
- What Wondrous Love is This
- Hidden Treasure, Great Pearl, and a Net
- God's Holy Word
- Why Remember?
- The Basics
- Forgiven and Renewed
- Teach Us To Pray
- Ripe For Destruction
- Advice From A Veteran
- Being A Friend Of God
- Sin or Salvation
- Thank God For Your Reason
- Why Shepherds?
- "17 - Peace Forevermore"
- "16 - Bible Q&A"
- "15 - From Cult to Christ"
- "14 - The Coming Oil Crisis"
- "13 - God's Whole Wheat Church"
- "12 - The Mark of the Beast"
- "11 - Beast Mode"
- "10 - Hellfire: Extinguishing the Myths"
- "09 - Serpentology"
- "08 - The Great Tribulation"
- "07 - Preparation for the Tribulation"
- "06 - History's Greatest Religious Cover-Up"
- "A Thief in the Night"
- "05 - Christianity's Creeping Compromise"
- "04 - The Rapture Dilemma"
- "03 - The Motherlode of Apostasy"
- "02 - The Desire of All Nations"
- "01 - The Curse and It's Reverse "
- "Decisions, decisions, decisions"
- "Faith over Fear"
- "The Cost of Obedience"
- "Worship in Song" - Concert
- "Cross Examination"
- "The Crown Jewel of Creation"
- "Arise and Shine"
- "Choices Do Matter"
- "What Do You Think?"
- "Never Give Up"
- "Sabbath School- Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice"
- "Faith and Trust"
- "Hard to Save"
- "A Rose At The Door - Religious Liberty"
- "Leave It To The Lord"
- "When Grace is a Curse"
- "Impossible Dream"
- "Lost in Church"
- "It's About Time"
- I Can Do Nothing
- Our Biggest Enemy
- War of the Wills
- Jesus Has Got This
- The Witness of His Grace
- A Last Look at Psalm 23
- A Call Back To Spiritual Basics
- My Mother My Teacher
- "How Much?"
- "When Your Heart is Stubborn"
- "Wonder Bread"
- "Marvelous Grace"
- "A Peep At God's Love"
- "Nothing Like Power"
- "Christ and the Church" (Baptism)
- "Love To God"
- "Ten Commandments Part 2: Love For Man"
- "WHO AM I?"
- "It Matters To Him About You"
- "The Law of Service"
- "Christian Character"
- It's Hard to Be Humble
- "Followers of Christ"
- Before They Call Me I Will Answer
- "Subtle Compromise"
- "Sarah Was an Adventist"
- Enter with Thanksgiving
- Spritual Health Checklist
- "Burning Desire"
- "Lacking The Oil"
- "The Real Joy"
- "Living Without Sin"
- "The Curse of Self Righteousness"
- "He Has Come"
- "Do I Really Believe?"
- "Point of No Return"
- Joseph
- "Jacob's Blessing"
- Jesus' Mighty Love
- "Knowing Jesus Is Everything"
- God Will Have A People
- Does God Want Something From You?
- Our God Is with Us
- Abide in Me
- Of Sin and Forgiveness
- Christian, Isn't it?
- It's A Big Deal
- "A Saving Faith"
- The Song (The Psalm) of the Hills
- Behold Our God
- Why is There Suffering?
- Who Is My Mother?
- Make A Difference
- What If?
- I Want To Do It Myself
- Abandon Ship
- Who Am I Lord?
- Good Enough for God
- The King's Highway
- The Bridge Over Troubled Water
- Jesus and the Sabbath
- Are We Walking the Walk
- Math In Salvation
- Desolation of the Earth
- Press Toward The Goal
- "The Troubled Dream of the 2nd Coming"
- "Noah and Lot"
- "Death Problem, Life Solution"
- "The Final War"
- "Talitha Cumi"
- "Treason in Church"
- "A Weekly Reminder of Heaven"
- "God's Mobile Home"
- "The Very Last Time Prophecy"
- "Judgment Before the 2nd Coming"
- "The Antichrist Revealed"
- "The Mark of the Beast"
- "The United States in Prophecy"
- "The Coming Hope"
- The Unthinkable is About to Happen
- Are You Willing to be Uncomfortable
- "The Basics"
- "Losing to Win"
- "Islam & Christianity in Conflict"
- "Role of Israel in the Conflict"
- "Alliances and the USA in Prophecy"
- "Third & Final Conflict"
- "Tidings from East & Mark of the Beast"
- "When Michael Stands Up"
- "Worst Time of Trouble"
- "Times of Daniel 11 & 12"
- "What Was I Thinking?"
- "Jesus Rescues His People"
- "Millennium & the New Earth"
- "Doing Our Part"
- "Boot Camp Is Nearly Over"
- "Studebakers Can Be Loved!"
- A Living Church
- Sower of Seed
- "All of a Sudden"
- "The Only Way to be Saved"
- Christian Perfection
- "Power in the Blood"
- Sermon
- "Brooding"
- "Certainty of One Thing"
- "First Freedom - Religious Liberty"
- "Distractions"
- "The Final End Time Movement"
- "Would-be Followers"
- "Just One"
- "My Testimony"
- "Heroes of Faith"
- "The Truth About Telling the Truth"
- "The Everlasting Gospel"
- "The WORD on Making Disciples"
- "Heaven"
- "The Sanctuary and Our High Priest"
- "Who Has Believed?"
- "The Promised Gift"
- "When You Forget That You're God's Servant"
- "There Will Be Signs"
- "Dangerous Distractions"
- "It's Who You Know"
- "Adding More Detail to Our Story"
- "Organization vs. Chaos"
- "Bring Them in and Keep Them In"
- "True Grace Versus False Grace"
- "Let This Mind Be in You"
- "Is Heaven on Your Mind?"
- "Questions & Statements That Make You Say Hmm"
- "What Is the Church?"
- "Do We Know Who We Are?"
- "Health And Spirituality"
- "Diabetes: The Butter With The Sweet"
- "Customizing Your Spiritual Life"
- "These Days You Cannot be too Careful"
- "Revival and Reformation - Part 2 - Obedience and Repentance"
- "Hope Beyond the Hurt"
- "Receiving Power for Ministry"
- "The Word That Changed The World"
- "Ministry & Spriritual Gifts"
- "God's Wonderful Love"
- "Famine of The Word"
- "Choices"
- "The Wedding"
- "Thank You for the People in My Life"
- "Back to Basics"
- "Why am I here?"
- "Is It Really Impossible?"
- "Together in faith"
- "Be Light to The World"
- "Are You Converted?"
- "Ministry and Spiritual Gifts"
- "Where Did the Fire Go?"
- "Battle For Your Mind"
- "What Manner of Person Should I Be?"
- SDA School
- Schedule